Working Papers
We study the relation between corporate taxation and carbon emissions. We find that dirty firms in the U.S. benefit from relatively lower taxes on capital income due to the tax advantage of debt financing.
I consider an economy where investors delegate investment decisions to financial institutions that choose across multiple investment opportunities, featuring different levels of idiosyncratic risk and a different correlation with the aggregate state.
The Environmental Bias of Corporate Income Taxation
with Thorsten Martin and Julien Sauvagnat. November 2024. [new draft]
Hedging and Aggregate Volatility
June 2020.
We consider optimal public provision of unemployment insurance when government’s ability to commit is imperfect. Imperfect commitment implies that full information revelation is generally suboptimal. The optimal contract can be decentralized by a joint system of unemployment and disability benefits.
We build a business-cycle model with dispersed information, and use it to develop a taxonomy for how the social value of information depends on nominal and real rigidities, on the sources of the business cycle, and on the conduct of monetary policy.
We study the effects of central bank balance sheet policies—namely, quantitative easing and foreign exchange interventions—in a model where people form expectations through the level-k thinking process.
We study optimal monetary policy and central bank information disclosure when the monetary authority has incomplete information about the aggregate state of the economy.
I study how market signals—such as stock prices—can help alleviate the severity of the asymmetric information problem in credit and liquidity management. By conditioning liquidity insurance on ex-post price signals, creditors are able to provide the borrowers with better incentives for truth-telling.
We study the policy implications of the endogeneity of information about the state of the economy. The optimal policies trade-off allocative efficiency for informational efficiency.
Comment on “Rigid Production Networks” by Pellet and Tahbaz-Salehi
Journal of Monetary Econonomics. July 2023, 137: 103-106.
Central Bank Balance Sheet Policies Without Rational Expectations
with Dmitriy Sergeyev.
The Review of Economic Studies. February 2023, forthcoming.
Optimal Monetary Policy and Disclosure with an Informationally-Constrained Central Banker
with Jennifer La'O and Rui Mascarenhas.
Journal of Monetary Economics, January 2022, 125: 151-172.
Social Insurance, Information Revelation, and Lack of Commitment
with Mikhail Golosov.
Journal of Political Economy, September 2021, 129(9): 2629-2665.
Liquidity Insurance with Market Information
Journal of the European Economic Association, February 2021, 19(1): 275-304.
Learning over the Business Cycle: Policy Implications
with George-Marios Angeletos and Jennifer La'O.
Journal of Economic Theory, November 2020, 190: 105-115.
Real Rigidity, Nominal Rigidity, and the Social Value of Information
with George-Marios Angeletos and Jennifer La’O.
American Economic Review, January 2016, 106(1): 200-227.